CCMC Glossary of Terms
Vocational Evaluation: The comprehensive assessment of vocational aptitudes and potential, using information about a person’s past history, medical and psychological status, and information from appropriate vocational testing, which may use paper and pencil instruments, work samples, simulated work stations, or assessment in a real work environment.
Vocational Rehabilitation: Cost effective case management by a skilled professional who understands the implications of the medical and vocational services necessary to facilitate an injured worker’s expedient return to suitable gainful employment with a minimal degree of disability.
Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor: A rehabilitation counselor, who specializes in vocational counseling, i.e. guiding handicapped persons in the selection of a vocation or occupation.
Vocational Testing: The measurement of vocational interests, attitudes, and ability using standardized, professionally accepted psychomotor procedures.
Employability: Having the skills and training that are commonly necessary in the labor market to be gainfully employed on a reasonably continuous basis, when considering the person’s age, education, experience, physical, and mental capacities due to industrial injury or disease.
Supported Employment: Paid employment for persons with developmental disabilities who, without long-term support, are unlikely to succeed in a regular job. Supported employment facilitates provide competitive work in integrated work settings for individuals with the most severe disabilities (i.e. psychiatric, mental retardation, learning disabilities, traumatic brain injury) for whom competitive employment has not traditionally occurred, and who, because of the nature and severity of their disability, need ongoing support services in order to perform their job. Supported employment provides assistance such as job coaches, transportation, assistive technology, specialized job training, and individually tailored supervision.
Vocational Assessment: Identifies the individual’s strengths, skills, interests, abilities and rehabilitation needs. Accomplished through on-site situational assessments at local businesses and in community settings.
Vocational Rehabilitation: Cost effective case management by a skilled professional who understands the implications of the medical and vocational services necessary to facilitate an injured worker’s expedient return to suitable gainful employment with a minimal degree of disability.
Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor: A rehabilitation counselor, who specializes in vocational counseling, i.e. guiding handicapped persons in the selection of a vocation or occupation.
Vocational Testing: The measurement of vocational interests, attitudes, and ability using standardized, professionally accepted psychomotor procedures.
Employability: Having the skills and training that are commonly necessary in the labor market to be gainfully employed on a reasonably continuous basis, when considering the person’s age, education, experience, physical, and mental capacities due to industrial injury or disease.
Supported Employment: Paid employment for persons with developmental disabilities who, without long-term support, are unlikely to succeed in a regular job. Supported employment facilitates provide competitive work in integrated work settings for individuals with the most severe disabilities (i.e. psychiatric, mental retardation, learning disabilities, traumatic brain injury) for whom competitive employment has not traditionally occurred, and who, because of the nature and severity of their disability, need ongoing support services in order to perform their job. Supported employment provides assistance such as job coaches, transportation, assistive technology, specialized job training, and individually tailored supervision.
Vocational Assessment: Identifies the individual’s strengths, skills, interests, abilities and rehabilitation needs. Accomplished through on-site situational assessments at local businesses and in community settings.
According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the employment rate for adults with disabilities is significantly lower than for those with out disabilities. The most frequently reported reasons for the difficulty in obtaining employment is lack of available, appropriate jobs, followed by lack of transportation. Many individuals need some type of accommodation such as accessible parking or transportation stop, elevators, and specially designed work stations.
Vocational Rehabilitation
Vocational Rehabilitation is a federal-state career development program. It provides eligible individuals with disabilities a wide range of individualized services to provide them the skills, attitudes, and resources needed to obtain and keep a job.
To be eligible for Vocational Rehabilitation services, federal regulations require the individual to be disabled and to be able to benefit from Vocational Rehabilitation services. To be disabled the person has to have a physical or mental impairment that is a substantial barrier to employment. Those receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and/or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) are presumed eligible unless they are too disabled to benefit from the Vocational Rehabilitation. The ability to benefit from Vocational Rehabilitation services is defined as able to achieve employment.
To be eligible for Vocational Rehabilitation services, federal regulations require the individual to be disabled and to be able to benefit from Vocational Rehabilitation services. To be disabled the person has to have a physical or mental impairment that is a substantial barrier to employment. Those receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and/or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) are presumed eligible unless they are too disabled to benefit from the Vocational Rehabilitation. The ability to benefit from Vocational Rehabilitation services is defined as able to achieve employment.
Supported Employment
Supported Employment is paid competitive employment in an integrated setting with ongoing support for individuals with the most severe disabilities (i.e., psychiatric, mental retardation, significant learning disabilities, traumatic brain injury, deafness and blindness, extreme mobility impairments, and other most severe disabilities). Because of the nature and severity of their disability they need on-going support services in order to obtain, perform, and retain their job. Supported Employment provides assistance such as job coaching and job placement, assistance in interacting with employers, on-site assistive technology training, specialized job training, and individually tailored supervision.
Supported Employment provides a vehicle to enable eligible individuals to enter into competitive employment where they would otherwise, due to the impact of their disabling conditions, be unable to do so.