CCMC Glossary of Terms
Job Analysis
In rehabilitation, the goal of the job analysis is to identify essential job functions and requirements to satisfactorily perform the work. It is important that job requirements are the focus, and not individual workers skills, as these will be considered later in the rehabilitation process.
Essential Job Functions
Who Performs a Job Analysis?
- Physical Therapists
- Occupational Therapists
- Vocational Rehabilitation Specialists
- Ergonomists
Job Modifications and Job Accommodation
Accommodation Process
Identify Functional Limitations: Determine where the functional limitations intersect with the job duties, so that the person can not perform that task or tasks without an accommodation.
Identify Accommodations: Begin by discussing options with the employee. Often the accommodation is obvious or something the employee has used before successfully, but at times creative collaboration, extensive investigation or outside assistance is needed.
J.A.N., Job Accommodations Network, is a consulting service providing free information on job accommodations. Per their website, “Working toward practical solutions that benefit both employer and employee, JAN helps people with disabilities enhance their employability, and shows employers how to capitalize on the value and talent that people with disabilities add to the workplace.”
Accommodations are not limited to adjustment to physical equipment or modifications. The Americans with Disabilities Act list these six categories.
- Job Restructuring- Adjustments to work procedures
- Assistive Devices- Equipment that helps the employee complete the task
- Training- Help an employee to learn or relearn job duties
- Personal Assistant- Person who helps an employee with job duties
- Building Modification- Alterations to the physical environment that allow equal access to the facility
- Job Reassignment- Temporary or permanent transfer of task assignment, or sharing jobs with other employees
Determine Reasonable Solutions: The ADA requires employers to provide reasonable accommodations for qualified applicants or employees with disabilities unless doing so would cause undue hardship. In addition to financial difficulty, undue hardship can also be accommodations that would be disruptive to the work place or fundamentally change the operation of the business.
Make Accommodation: The employees preferences should be taken into account, but ultimately the employer will determine which accommodation is put into effect based on cost, business feasibility and effectiveness.
Monitor Effectiveness: If the desired outcome is not achieved, the employee and employer should start the process again.