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Resources to Help You Pass The Exam


I have created 2 resources to help you pass the CCM Exam.

A Study Guide/ Exam Prep Book

Click Here to Find Out More

An Online Review Course

Revised Edition Now Available

Click Here For More Information

Case Management Certification Review Course

I often get asked what resources, in addition to CCM Certification Made Easy, I would recommend for those studying for their case management certification.

I highly recommend The Case Manager’s Handbook Sixth Edition by Catherine Mullahy. While CCM Certification Made Easy is concise and to the point, The Case Manager’s Handbook is written in a conversational style. At 746 pages this is not light reading, Ms. Mullahy includes her thoughts and experiences with the reader as well as the fundamentals every case manager needs.

(Click the Image of the Book to Find Out More!!)

The most common question I get is for recommendations for practice tests. I have reviewed several practice tests and to be honest, I would not give any of them 5 stars. The only practice test that has questions similar to the exam questions are those offered by CCMC, since they use retired test questions. This will give you a feel for the type of questions you will be asked and the way they will be worded.



(Click the Image of the Book to Find Out More!!)

(Click the Image of the Book to Find Out More!!)

If I had to recommend practice question books it would be these two. I did not find one to be better than the other. Both are written by companies that researched case management, but it is obvious that the authors never worked as case managers. Although I only found about 50% of the questions in these resources to contain content relevant to the exam, for those who need practice questions and can not afford those on CCMC’s website, these will do.

Resources For Case Managers

The following are resources that would be beneficial to case managers.


Again, I highly recommend The Case Manager’s Handbook Sixth Edition by Catherine Mullahy. This book is know as the case manager’s “Bible” for a reason. It is an indispensable guide for case managers covering everything from the fundamentals to career advancement.

(Click the Image of the Book to Find Out More!!)

(Click the Image of the Book to Find Out More!!)

(Click the Image of the Book to Find Out More!!)

I also recommend Motivational Interviewing in Health Care: Helping Patients Change Behavior (Applications of Motivational Interviewing) 1st edition and Motivational Interviewing: Helping People Change, 3rd Edition (Applications of Motivational Interviewing). These are the same book, the original and an updated version. The original is cheaper, so for those on a limited budget it is an option. Motivational interviewing can really change the way you case manage and lead to better patient outcomes. This is a great resource for anyone who educates patients.


Want CCM Certification Made Easy but want to buy it from Amazon?

(Click the Image of the Book to Find Out More!!)

Additional Study Resources

1) Click the image below to Download the FREE Kindle App (offering you):

* The ability to read Kindle books with no Kindle device required, so you can take advantage of Amazon’s great prices and selection.

* Access to any book in the Kindle library, so they can start reading or keep reading whenever they have free time.

Kindle App

2) Looking to get the Kindle Unlimited Free Trial? Click the link below:


Kindle Unlimited Free Trial

3) Successful Study Strategies for the CCM

Now that you know what to study it’s time to start studying. If you are like me, you can get distracted easily. I found a website that played music specifically designed to help increase focus and concentration called Focus@Will. Music you like is created to engage you. It makes you feel good, moves you physically, emotionally and intellectually. That’s why you love to listen to it, and that’s also why it is going to distract you when you are trying to focus and concentrate on studying. Singing and foot tapping take you right out of the focus zone.

Focus@Will’s has a unique library of instrumental music that you won’t find anywhere else. Every track has been remixed, re-edited and scientifically remastered specifically for focus enhancement. By making this music part of my study routine, I trained my brain to transition faster into study mode. If you would like to learn more about Focus@Will or start a free trial, click on the link below.

Peak Performance Music

4) Looking to get the CCM Certification Made Easy? Click the banner below:

Pass the CCM Exam

Some of the products listed on my resource page are affiliate products, which means that if you choose to make a purchase, I will earn a commission. This commission comes at no additional cost to you. Please understand that I have experience with all of these products and give my honest feedback about them. The commission I make if you decide to buy something is donated to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in memory of Richard Culliver. Please do not spend any money on these products unless you feel you need them or that they will help you achieve your goals.