How does your case management salary compare?

For the most up-to-date information, see our newest article here.

Wonder how your employer compares with others? How does your case management salary compare to the industry? Need a reference to show your employer standards for salary, benefits, caseload, education, certification, and continuing education reimbursement?

We have you covered. The 2020 Salary and Trends Survey provides all this and more.

We’ve updated the salary and trends survey for 2020 and here is an updated summary. The survey was participated in by 1,000 case management professions. It collated valuable data on the case management industry that helps us understand who case managers are, the challenges they face, their salary potential, job satisfaction, and the value they bring to consumers of healthcare and the organizations for which they work.

The industry is highly concentrated by women where ninety-six percent (96%) are female. Less than 20% of the case managers are forty (40) years of age and under, which means the majority of the workforce is over forty (40).

Although there is no education requirement for case management, over half (51%) of the case managers surveyed have a bachelor’s degree, with just under a quarter (23%) holding an associate’s degree and just under a quarter (22%) holding a master’s.

More and more employers are requiring certification in case management from their staff. Nearly seventy percent of respondents stated that their employer requires certification in case management. If the case manager does not have this certification when hired most employers expect it within 2 years of hire.

As a benefit of their experience, responsibilities, and value, professional case managers report strong income levels and comprehensive benefits packages.

The 2020 Case Management Salary and Trends survey revealed over half (51%) of professional case managers surveyed make between $70,000 and $90,000 per year with nearly one-fifth (14%) earning over $100,000. Compensation has gone up since 2018, which was the last time the salary and trends survey was completed.

After salary, the next parameter to consider is required work hours and time off. Case managers also have flexibility when they work with over two-thirds of the case managers having three weeks or more of vacation, and only about one-fourth of case managers surveyed work weekends and/or holidays. This is huge considering that most nurses are used to working 2-3 weekends a month and every other holiday, at a minimum!

Overall case managers are very satisfied with their career choice. The results showed that the majority (68%) of case managers surveyed are pleased with their current case management work environment with over fifty percent (57%) satisfied or very satisfied with their current salary. This is very encouraging at a time when many nurses are reporting poor job satisfaction and leaving the workforce.

See our most recent article…Case Manager Salaries Show Strong Growth Trend.